Top 10 things everyone wants, except sex

Top 10 things everyone wants, except sex

Ever since we were born, we have been wanting something or the other. It started off by trivial things of survival like food and clothing and sleep and went on to things like an iphone or a Mercedes or a big mansion in the best residential place. The wants go on. We get one thing and immediately our heart and mind starts fluttering for something else. So what is it that we really want?

Here’s for you a list of the things that everyone in this world wants without exceptions…

10. To buy everything we want


As they say, money can buy anything. Anything? Maybe no, but yeah, money can buy a lot of things. Happiness can’t be bought by money but things that give you happiness can surely be. Money has to be on the wants list without doubt. Wouldn’t you just love it if you didn’t have to think twice before buying something expensive or to not put your desired thing back on shelf for the scarcity of funds?

9. To make history


Who doesn’t want their names written in books? Who doesn’t want streets named after their names? Everyone, in their adolescent years, has dreamt of being popular and leaving their mark on this earth before they die. But more often than not, these dreams take a back seat in the pursuit of survival in this big, bad world. But somewhere inside that desire of making history, to have your name etched in people’s mind for a long time lives on.

8. To discover yourself


‘We have all taken birth for a purpose’ or so we have heard. Most people live and die without knowing the purpose of their life but that desire of knowing what we were born to do stays with us all our lives. The question of, what it is that we are absolutely fabulous at, keeps bugging us all the time. And what delight it would be to actually discover oneself!

7. To have hope for the future



What keeps you going on even after you think nothing is going right and the world is falling out piece by piece? Hope. Yes, hope of a better tomorrow is the only thing that makes you hold on and try to survive through the rough patch.

6. To be healthy


Everyone wants to be healthy. No matter how many riches you have, you have got to have a healthy body to be able to enjoy them. If you are healthy, you feel good, you productivity increases and success follows. We are here to live and a healthy body and mind help us do the same and help us make use of our time rather wisely.

5. To be heard


We have so much to offer, every one of us has something unique to contribute to the society or the workplace or even our homes, only tricky part is to be heard. There are so many of us who are unable to come out of their shells for the fear of rejection and mockery. If only, everyone was given a chance to be heard without biases!

4. To sleep


In this crazy super-fast world, with everyone working their wits out day and night to be the best, the thing that most of us most frequently compromise upon is our much needed sleep. You think you don’t need sleep and few less hours of sleep won’t harm you, just think of the morning after you take a full 8-hour sleep after weeks of deprived sleep and you’ll know how important sleep is and how much you really want it.

3. To eat without feeling guilty

Beautiful Young Woman choosing between Fruits and Sweets

Think of all the times you avoided your favorite cake or the dish you love for the fear of becoming fat. For many of us, the simple act of eating has become a torturous, tangled web of love, comfort, guilt, shame and fear. All we really want is to leave behind all the inhibitions and eat till our bellies are full and senses satisfied. Eat on, I say, you got only one life to!

2. To be happy


You smile and the world smiles with you. Happiness is infectious as is sadness. But happiness is our natural state of being and we tend to fall back to the state by all means. Peace of mind, inner ease and satisfaction all can be mapped back to happiness. If you are happy, everything seems good and you get the strength to hold on and fight on in bad times.

1. To love and be loved


The most important thing, the want of which overcomes all other needs and wants, is LOVE. Be it your parents’ love or your siblings’, your friends’ love or your spouse’s , aren’t we all doing everything we do for the love of the ones we hold dear? One smile, one embrace, one kind word from your loved ones and a bad day turns to become the happiest.