Top 10 Important Lord Krishna Teachings

Top 10 Important Lord Krishna Teachings

According to legends, Lord Krishna was the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu and was born in ‘Dwapur Yug’ as the eighth child of Devki and Vasudev but was brought up by Mata Yashoda and Baba Nand. He led a simple life and gave us a guidebook for happy living. His teachings are simple yet meaningful; they when incorporated in our daily life bring both real happiness and success. So here are a few teaching for Lord Krishna that, if imbibed, would make your life easy and happy.

10. Don’t be hypocrite


Lord Krishna always professed empathy and the action and devotion to supreme power. He said if you act for yourself and you think you are being good to others, you are being a hypocrite. Krishna said lying to your soul is being hypocrite and this is when a man starts covering his mistakes. Man should fear God and be truthful in his duties and above all be truthful to him.

9. God is Always Watching Us


Krishna professed that God is omnipresent; he is always watching over us and has made everyone equal on this earth. Krishna always asked people to be empathetic, which mean to be able to step into others shoes and view the situation from their end. Krishna asked them to be just for the almighty is always watching over them.

8. Believe in Friendship


We all have heard the story of friendship of lord Krishna and Sudama in our childhood. It teaches us to love our friends irrespective of their status, caste and creed; it teaches us to help them in their bad times and not to mention the help; it teaches us to watch the back of a friend. Their friendship taught us to value our relationships and to have a selfless love for our friends.

7. “Whatever belongs to you today belonged to someone else earlier and would belong to someone else tomorrow.”

worldly things

In this materialistic world, people are getting tempted towards things which are not going to stay with us forever like car, bungalow, jewels etc. All these worldly things will end one day or the other so why should one invest one’s energy and waste one’s love behind them, one should think of the good in the longer run. You will be known by your deeds after your death.

6. Believe in Yourself and the Almighty God

Lord Krishna always asked people to have faith in themselves, to believe in their talents, finally to believe in the supreme power i.e. The Almighty God”. Lord Krishna always propounded that one should be a believer as belief brings us confidence; it brings us motivation and also the courage to take risks in life.

5. “Do not weep for the past; do not worry for the future, concentrate on your present life”.


Lord Krishna always said that this entire world is being governed by a supreme power, and this power is our father, ‘the Almighty’. Krishna asked all to believe in the goodness of the Almighty and believe that whatever happens happen for good. Krishna asked us to move with time and live in the present and act accordingly, there is no point crying over the past.

4. Listen to your Conscience

Lord Krishna said that when his subjects meditate, they ask a lot of questions and he has to meditate to answer them back. His voice is the voice of conscience, the voice of heart, the voice which can be heard only when we are calm. Our mind is biased, it analyzes the good and the bad, and sometimes when we over think, it finds bad from good as well. But our conscience never lies to us, it is unbiased and sometimes very rude when truth is bitter, it is for the same reason why most of us refrain from hearing its voice.

3. Follow the Path of Righteousness


In the famous epic, ‘Mahabharata’, there was a situation where Arjuna was in dilemma and asks Krishna whether he was right to fight against his own brothers. Krishna replied that he (Arjuna) is fighting against the evil, no matter they are his brothers, it is always ‘right’ to destroy evil. Here the question arises how do we know whether we are on the path of ‘righteousness’; to this the lord answered ‘meditate and ask your soul I will answer you back as the voice of your conscience’. The voice of God can be heard as the voice of conscience and this can be done only when meditate with calm mind.

2. Follow the Path of Dharma

Lord Krishna always believed that everyone should follow his ‘dharma’. The word ‘dharma’ is the most misunderstood and over rated term in the world today. The definition being”Dharma is a set of rules that are laid to make your life easy.” In my opinion, your action is your ‘dharma’, do it with pure heart and without any negative feeling, without any bias, and you will be following the path of Dharma.

1. Believe in ‘Karma’

The most popular is certainly this one. Lord Krishna said to have faith in yourself always, do your ‘Karma’ (action) without thinking of outcome and success will follow automatically. When we are doing something and thinking about its result, our attention gets divided into the two. Thus we are not fully concentrating on our action which can decrease the quality or output of our work.