Top 10 most dangerous professions

Top 10 most dangerous professions

When a doctor or a banker goes to work, he is free from all kind of fear; he knows that the place he is working at is very safe and secure. But there are a lot of people who go to work every day not knowing if they would be coming back home safely or not.  There are hundreds and thousands of profession in the world which guarantee your safety but at the same time there exists some professions which are highly dangerous. The people with such professions risk their lives every day to provide others some comfort and earn bread for their family. The top 10 examples of such professions are:

10. Pilot & flight engineer:


Being a pilot or a flight engineer is a very good career and holds good money but at the same time involves a lot of risks. These people are trained professionals but we never know anything, history is brimmed with plane accidents such as crashes and lost planes etc. The management takes all the precautions but no one can see the course of nature, we don’t know if the weather gets rough or there is come problem with the engine.

9. Bodyguard:


Being a bodyguard is a very dangerous job, a bodyguard’s life is constantly in danger. He has to protect his employer at any cost by putting his own life in danger. If the employer has any serious enemies then the bodyguard is going to be the first target.

8. Plant worker:


People working at the plants are under a constant threat; their lives are always at risk. The plants continuously emit number of gases which are quite disturbing to human health. The workers suffer from a lot of health problems. It is due to risks in this profession the people working around the plants are employed for only a few years because working there for more than a few years can cause serious health problems. The risking of working on a nuclear plant is much higher.

7. Search and rescue:


The people working in the search and rescue agencies hold imminent danger to their lives. They go into oceans, forests, underground caves, mountains and deserts to save the people trapped there but who is there to guarantee the lives of rescuer? There is a high chance that the rescuer themselves might get stuck or get into an accident. Their job is highly dangerous and can cause their own life.

6. Structural iron and steel worker:

Structural iron and steel worker

Iron and steel workers are victims of certain types pollutions such as noise and environmental, the type of work they do involves high frequency noise which can do harm to the ears. Other than that their work includes wielding, soldering, brazing, torch cutting, grinding etc therefore it becomes necessary to wear the proper accessories, any hazard can cause serious damage. The workers can also get hurt by chemicals involved or by the electricity.

5. Logger / lumberjack:


Death and injury rate is very high in the logging industry, the loggers are asked to use the proper equipment and follow the procedure but if anything goes wrong, it can cause a life or at least some serious injury. The risks involve the branches falling without a warning, skidder & tractor accidents, falling from high elevation etc. many workers working in this profession are unaware of the risks which is the reason of high fatality and injury rates.

4. Truck Driver:


Driving is an exhausted job which leaves you irritated.  The truck drivers suffer from lack of sleep, they get no rest and the long hours of driving make the driver stressful. These things hold the potential of making the driver loose his focus while driving or falling asleep while driving. Truck accidents are very dangerous and fatal because the highway is always in motion.

3. Fishing:


Here fishing does not refer to the fun fishing but the deep water fishing. The fisher men go deep into the ocean to catch fishes and stay there for days. Their lives are at constant risk because life at sea is very unpredictable. The fishermen are at the mercy of the sea, also there is no adequate monitoring which makes things worst. The fishermen are under the threat of sea storms and heavy rains.

2. Construction worker:


The demand of construction workers is very high because none of the construction projects are possible without them and the fatality rate in this profession is also very high. Construction involves many hazards like exposure to certain harmful chemicals, high elevation fall. Constant working in such construction sites can also cause health issues.


1. Miner:


Mining is a very dangerous job, the hazards & dangers involving this profession are plenty. The miners stay inside the mines for a very long time, the workers may be subjected to rock falls, explosions, entrapment, electrocution, exposure to gases, noises etc. the injury and death of miners is a very common phenomenon in the field of mining.