Top 10 common parenting issues

Top 10 common parenting issues

Does your child lie to you about his exam grades? Are you worried about his studies because he is too much addicted to his mobile phone? Are you one of those parents who secretly sneak into your son’s room to check his PC and mobile phone? How often do you indulge in healthy discussions with your parents?

Surely, Parenting is not at all a cakewalk but it is indeed a tedious task. Though parents face a lot of difficulties and troubles but in the end it turns out to be a memorable experience. They cherish each and every moment as their tiny tots grow and mature into responsible adults. However, parenting is a roller coaster ride as a child progresses towards teenage and then steadily moves towards adulthood. It unfolds several twists and turns in its journey. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules or guidebook for parenting. It primarily depends on the child-parents relationship which helps the child to blossom.

As parents lay the foundation of this beautiful relationship, it is necessary that it is cemented with love, trust and friendship. There’s no doubt that parents will leave no stone unturned to build a morally upright individual but they may encounter many obstacles during this process. Here’s a list of 10 common parenting issues:

10. Frequent tantrums

throw tantrum

It’s a mammoth task to deal with children who throw tantrums every now and then. Tantrum usually begins when the child demands something but you say a ‘No’ to his demand.  Sometimes it becomes difficult to fulfil the demands of the child due to financial difficulties but the child’s obstinacy becomes unmanageable. He yells, throws away things and fights with you to compel you do things as per his wish. Frequent tantrums are highly annoying. Moreover, the child too becomes over-ambitious and thus finds it difficult to face the reality of life as parents have already built a comfortable cocoon shell around him.

9. Eating habits

eating habits


Poor eating habits are another cause of worry for the parents. With packaged and ready-to-eat foods having invaded our lives in a big way, children are already addicted to this convenience food. Junk food has indeed triggered the chances of high cholesterol, obesity and other health disorders among children. Parents need to re-invent their recipes so as to make their cooked food appealing to their children and ensure their diet is rich in nutrients.

8. Verbal Abuse  


The parents certainly receive a bolt from blue as they find out that their child abuses. In the present scenario, media and films have a profound influence on the young minds. Moreover, a child tends to follow the people around him as he is unable to differentiate between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things. They consider it a “cool” thing to do. Moreover, parents too should not abuse in front of their children. Despite this, parental check on the choice of movies and TV sops is extremely important.

7. Violent attitude

Toddler having a temper tantrum and screaming at her mother. Image shot 2008. Exact date unknown.


A child who loses temper easily and resorts to aggressive or violent activities is difficult to manage. Surprisingly, some children break the household furniture and throw away things in anger. However, it is not necessary that parents should reciprocate it with violence or punishment too. Keep calm and just talk! Let the child pour his heart out and then you can reach a consensus.

6. Sibling rivalry

sibling rivalry

When there are two or more children in a family, the house is always bustling with their constant fights. However, parents need to make sure that these fights don’t sow the seeds of any kind of sibling rivalry. They might deliberately hurt each other- pull hairs, push the other down the stairs and what not out of mere jealousy. A child may feel that his parents love his younger sister or brother more or vice versa. It’s natural to think in this way when they are young because all they need is love and attention!

5. Liars

lying child

It’s heartening when your child keeps on telling you white lies and you are unable to stop him. You may use force but that’s a really bad idea! A child may be too afraid to tell you the truth because he knows you’ll punish him. He might have seen you telling a lie to your wife or friend or anyone. Remember, you are the role model for your children! So, set a good example for him.

4. Being defiant

defiant kid

Parents may feel extremely annoyed when their child answers back. Heated arguments can ruin your lovely relationship that you have cherished for so many years. Beware! Thus, it becomes extremely important to retain self-control in these moments of crisis. Children might feel that their parents don’t understand them and they never will. That’s why parents need to be more cooperative. Moreover, peer pressure and ambitious attitude of the child creates a divide between him and their parents. They may feel that they are “free birds” and are not answerable to anyone for what they do!

3. Lack of confidence

lack of confidence


Being shy or introvert is the least desirable characteristic in the present world. A child may lack confidence to express his opinion freely. He may find it difficult to make friends and socialise easily. Thus, a child facing low self-esteem requires parents’ immediate attention. Parents can talk about his problems and share their experiences as well.

2. Addiction to gadgets

addiction to gadgets

Technology today has become an indispensable part of our lives. That’s why children too are addicted to this ‘smart’ technology these days. Lack of any sorts of physical activities has become a major concern for parents these days. Children spend substantial time with their PC’s, mobile phones and television. Quite naturally, their eye-sight suffers a lot. Other health ailments are also quite common. Moreover, spending too much time on social networking sites hinders face-to-face interaction with the peers.

1. Lack of communication

lack of communication

Well, everyone is too busy in their fast paced lives and consequently they have little or no time for their children. Communication is extremely important to nurture the child-parents relationship. Lack of communication can make the child feel secluded and lonely at home. He is also highly prone to depression or may indulge in unethical activities like bullying other kids, smoking etc. So just sit around and talk, you and your child will definitely feel better!
