10 Reasons why Eating Orange is good for your Health

10 Reasons why Eating Orange is good for your Health

Orange is a citrus fruit and belongs to the Rutaceae family. It’s high in essential nutrients, flavonoids that are immensely beneficial for our health. We have all heard the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and we can apply the same for oranges as well. Oranges and orange juices are very popular among people. Some eat oranges for its taste and some for its health benefits. So for those who have no idea about the benefits of oranges here’s a list of 10 reasons why eating orange is good for your health:

10. Good for skin


Orange contains lots of vitamin C which can do wonders for your skin. Orange juices as well as orange peels both are beneficial for your skin. Instead of throwing away the orange peels, we can dry them in the sunlight and grind them to form orange peel powder which in turn will prove to be great body scrub. And this powder, when mixed in milk and applied on face can help in providing instant glow and in reducing dark spots and blemishes on your skin. Oranges have high content of citric acid which is very effective on acne. Orange peels are natural bleaching agents that can lighten dark blotches on the skin and with time completely remove them. Oranges help in restoring collagen in your body and prevents premature aging of skin. They are full of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant protecting the cells from being damaged which also protects the skin from free radicals and prevents the skin from aging.


09. Good for hair


Oranges contain vital nutrients that are extremely beneficial for your hair as well. Orange juice is an excellent conditioner for your hair. You can prepare a simple homemade conditioner by mixing the juice of one orange, water and a spoon of honey. Then apply this mixture on your shampooed hair and leave it for 5-10 minutes. This will give you healthy, shiny and beautiful hair. Oranges besides Vitamin C contains flavonoids which help in circulation, to the scalp, which in turn aids in hair growth. It contains folic acid, a type of vitamin B, which is good for your hair growth. The juice of the orange peels can be used as a remedy against dandruff.


08. Beneficial for good vision


Oranges are good for eyes, in fact very good for eyes, as they are good source of vitamin C, potassium and also contain fiber, calcium and folate. Carotenoid compounds of vitamin A, like lutein, beta carolene and zeaxanthin helps preventing age-related macular degeneration, a condition that leads to blindness. Vitamin A lets the eyes absorb light by keeping the surrounding membranes healthy and reduces the chances of having night blindness. The Office of Dietary claims, men require 900 micrograms of daily Vitamin A and women require 700 micrograms of daily vitamin A.

07. Prevents arthritis


Often people suffer from arthritis that causes swollen and painful joints, but did you know that oranges are known to give relief to arthritis pain and inflammation. Oranges contain anti-inflammatory properties and that’s why they prove effective against arthritis. Vitamin C present in orange acts as an anti-oxidant and helps rid your body of arthritis friendly free radicals that mainly destroys the joints in arthritis. A new research published the American journal of Clinical Nutrition states that consuming a glass of fresh orange juice daily can reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.


06. Lowers risk of diseases


Oranges are abundant in Vitamin C that protects the cells by neutralizing free radicals. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge pro-inflammatory free radicals from the blood. Free radicals are usually responsible for causing chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. According to research, the abundance of poly phenols in orange provides protection against viral infections.


05. Lowers cholesterol


Pectin, soluble fiber, forms a sticky mass in the stomach that traps cholesterol and carries it out of our body before it can get absorbed in the bloodstream (where it causes clogged arteries). One medium orange supplies about 2-3 grams of this soluble fiber and also other beneficial nutrients like potassium, Vitamin C and folate. According to a research, intake of orange juice can help in improving heart health by increasing the HDL (good) cholesterol and by decreasing LDL (bad) cholesterol.


04. Regulates high blood pressure


The flavonoid hesperidin and magnesium found in oranges help in regulating high blood pressure and in maintaining blood pressure respectively. Besides, oranges contain other essential nutrients like potassium as well. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, one cup of orange juice contains 496 milligrams of potassium, 27 milligrams of calcium and 27 milligrams of magnesium. Potassium like magnesium is known to prevent and control high blood pressure.


03. Heart health


The fiber, potassium, Vitamin C and choline content in oranges all lead to good heart health. Vitamin C protects the arteries from free radicals. A decrease in potassium level may lead you to develop arrhythmia, an abnormal heart disease. But since oranges are full of potassium, an electrolyte mineral that helps heart function well, so they are extremely good for your heart.


02. Strengthens immune system


Vitamin C in oranges helps in improving your immunity, keeping us away from diseases and infections. Vitamin A in oranges promotes the development of new white blood cells and helps activate white blood cells so they can fight off infections. Folate or Vitamin B-9 in orange juices help the cells make the DNA and protein.

01. Prevents cancer


Orange juice contains essential nutrients and flavonoids that are helpful in preventing cancer. They are rich in citrus limonoids, which fight against different types of cancer like that of skin, lung, stomach, breast and colon. Vitamin C also helps in lowering the risk of cancer. Orange juice is high in antioxidants from flavonoids like hesperidin and naringenin, which are immensely beneficial against cancer.