Top 10 Ways to Prevent Body Odour

Top 10 Ways to Prevent Body Odour

No one wants to be smelling bad when they are around their closed ones, or even standing in a crowd. Body odour and smelling armpits are definitely a no-no, not only for women but equally for men as well. Body odour just repels people out of your life, when no one wants to be around you. Keeping yourself clean and healthy is extremely important to fight away this menace of body odour. If you want to keep and establish harmonious relations with others, you have to make sure that you, in no way, turn them off with something so repelling as body odour. There are a lot of ways which could help you overcome the problem of body odour, which happens usually in summers when we are sweating our wits out. People don’t have to be complaining about how bad you smell all day when they are around you, and you definitely don’t want to hear something like that from others. So try your best and keep these tips in mind the next time you feel that you are going around places with a body odour.

10. Kill bacteria

kill bacteria

Take a cotton ball and soak it in tree oil. Do this and apply and rub over parts which create this boy odour, such as your armpits. Tree oil is natural and healthy oil which easily takes away and kills all the bacteria from that particular body part. It cuts down the bacteria number to a large level, thus keeping your armpits clean and fresh, because the bacteria present in your armpits are on of the major reasons for the creation of odour in your body.

9. Keep your underarms clean

keep underarms clean

When it’s the season of summers around you, you know that your armpits tend to get sweaty and smelly. Therefore, keep your underarms trimmed and cleaned on a hot and a heated up day. This way, the hair which could trap the odour causing bacteria will be eliminated and thus the chances of body odour become increasingly less. So make sure to keep your underarms trimmed and clean, and keep all the bacteria away.

8. Apply powder to keep skin dry

apply baby powder

After a shower or when you wake up in the morning for a hard day at work or play, apple body powder around your neck, chest and armpits. This will keep your skin dry and fresh all day long. You could try applying something as mild as a baby powder. Applying powder keeps the skin dry and free from sweat or perspiration. It allows your skin to breathe freely, leaving your fresh and odour free for a long time of the day.

7. Avoid going out in the sun

avoid sunlight

Avoid going out in the sun too much. When you body gets heated up, it causes a lot of perspiration which leads to you sweating. This gives out a bad odour off your body. So try to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible to prevent this perspiration from hitting you, especially during warm weathers such as summers.

6. Eliminate stress

eliminate stress

The body odour causing glands known as the Apocrine glands get activated when you are under a lot of stress. Stress, tension and anger stimulates these glands, thus making your body give off more odour and turn smelly. Meditation and yoga are some of the way in which you could reduce your stress, and thus eliminate the body odour. Try indulging yourself in these two activities, at least once a day, and you will realize that it cuts down your stress levels largely, keeping you feeling fresh and odour free all day long.

5. Odour comes from dirty feet

keep feet clean

When you have a long day, we don’t realize but with the other parts, our feet get smelly and dirty as well, which leads up or increases the body odour. Try to keep your feet clean and fresh, as much as possible. Try using odour absorbing insoles in your shoes, which will cut down or prevent the formation of odour in your feet. When you take a shower, scrub your feet properly and thoroughly with water and soap, and then insert the odour absorbing insoles in your feet. Apply them only when your feet are dry and clean. This will keep away the body odour effectively and for a long time.

4. Choose your fabrics carefully

use cotton fabrics

Try to go for clothes which are made of natural fabrics such as cotton and bamboo. Avoid synthetic or nylon clothes, especially during warm and sweat weathers, such as summers. Wearing natural and cotton clothes will allow your skin to breathe freely, thus reducing the chances of body odour to a large extent. Whereas, manmade materials such as synthetic and nylon block the breathing and increases the perspiration process, leading to you sweating more and giving off a body odour. So go natural next time you don’t want to smell with an odour.

3. Wear loose fitting clothes

wear loose fitting clothes

Avoid wearing tight fitting clothes. Go for something loose and comfortable as they allow air to move in and out freely off your body, thus keeping your skin dry and fresh. Tight clothes do not allow the sweat to go off your body, due to which it gets trapped resulting in body odour and sweat stains on your clothes.

2. Wear an antiperspirant or deodorant

use antiperspirant

Antiperspirants and deodorants should be applied after you have had a shower, when the skin is a little moist. They act on the sweat glands and block them from producing any more sweat for a long time of the day, leaving you feel clean and fresh, and at the same time giving out a nice fragrance as well.

1. Stay clean and hygienic

keep yourself clean

Have a shower regularly and ensure that you clean your body using soap with a pH value which suits your skin and body. This will eliminate all the built up bacteria in your body. Shower and keep your clean regularly, and that way the chances of your giving off a body odour are extremely less.