Top 10 Things Nobody Can Give You Except “You”

Top 10 Things Nobody Can Give You Except “You”

Life, the precious gift we have that we usually fail to value by depending on the outside world to make full use of it. We really need to stop in our tracks for a while and decide what we need to do. What we need is give ourselves certain gifts that nobody else can give us. These gifts that we should be giving ourselves will make us live every moment of our life in the best way possible. It will keep us at peace with ourselves and make us value life more and make something out of it rather than depending on outside factors like people and things to make life beautiful for us. The top 10 things that you need to give yourself that nobody or nothing can give you are listed below. Until you don’t strive to give yourself the things listed below, life doesn’t unleash its full meaning. Go ahead and read….

10.The way you think depends on solely ‘you’

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The one thing that nobody except you yourself need to develop in your being is the right direction of thought. Yes, it is very important to think right in life and nobody else can make you think right. People can trigger thinking in you and may put you to rationalize and reason with things but the final line of thought is what you choose. Nobody else can develop in you right thinking, you have to develop in yourself.

9.Health is wealth and it is the best gift to give yourself

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Yes, your loved ones will keep telling you and nagging at you when it comes to your health. They will be very concerned about your food, cleanliness and hygiene etc. But, in the end, if you decide to put your foot down and decide to eat junk food in place of the highly nutritious food your mom packs for you in your lunch box, then nobody can help you with this. You are responsible for your own health and should know the importance of it. After all you can take the horse to the pond but not force it to drink water. Apt quote for the situation.

8.Give the most important person in your life enough time:YOU

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Yes, might sound weird but yes you need to spend a little time with yourself by hook or by crook. And nobody else but yourself can give you lone time. You need to sit alone for a little while, with some music, books, any hobby that you pursue or simply with your thoughts. You need to be comfortable with being alone and giving yourself enough time to introspect and meditate so that you stay calm and strike a balance. It relieves you of stress. Yes, a thing worth giving yourself that no other person can give you: some good time alone with your thoughts.


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Motivation from outside sources is always needed but unless you take it in, work on it, let it sink in you and accept the motivation, you will never be able to develop your self confidence. It is you alone who can build up your own confidence. You need to look deeper into your soul and nature and figure out your strengths and play your strengths to strike the deal. Yes, you need to be confident and unless you choose this personality attribute for yourself it just won’t come into you, no matter who tries to develop it in you.

6.Take the call and make a final decision….Nobody else can do it for you

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When you are required to make a particular life decision, only you can do it. No amount of pressure or force should make you waver from doing what you really want you to do. Of course, situations decide for us by playing some ugly games and there is destiny too. But, yeah, the final call you need to take. You are the one who can decide and do what you really want to do. So, yes, decide for yourself. Don’t let someone else control your decisions. It’s your life, and it’s once.

5.Self Satisfaction

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No matter where you live…Run to any corner of the world….in the search of self satisfaction… won’t seem to find it until and unless your heart is in the right place. So, try and achieve  it for yourself. Try and be satisfied with what you have. Compete but yet don’t make the competition healthy. Accept the consequences with satisfaction. The moment you’re satisfied, everything  falls into place.

4.Want to get rid of your fears? Only you can do it, yeah

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We have a lot of fears in the dark corners of our existence and they come up a few selected times when we stand face to face with our fears. If we really want to do something about it to get rid of it, we should be facing our fears. This is one of the biggest thing you could give yourself. The moment you deal with all your fears and put them in your past. They can never come back to haunt you ever again. And you can’t make  a third person face your fear and get rid of it. You have to stand up to it yourself.


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Independence, a mind state where you live for yourself completely wherein you would like to have support but still can manage pretty well without it. It feels good to know that you are strong and equipped enough to deal with things.It helps a lot in keeping a positive mind state. Only you yourself can succeed in putting yourself in an independent state like that. So work towards it soon.

2.Don’t look for peace of mind elsewhere? Look within

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Peace of mind is a perk that comes from achieving self satisfaction. Whatever situation you are in, it depends on you to calm your mind and senses and get yourself peace. It is a tough task but very possible. Make it a point to not get hyper and control your reactions and mind state. Meditate often, do the things you love. This only you can achieve by digging it out from the soul that resides in your body.

1.When you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands

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Happiness doesn’t lie in the outside you. It is more like a state of mind and emotion. Momentary happiness comes from things and people but true happiness comes from inside your heart. It comes by choosing it yourself. Whatever day, whatever situation…If you choose to smile and stay happy nobody can change it. Your determination to stay happy is what you need to give yourself, right away, this moment.