Top 10 reasons facebook is ruining your life

Top 10 reasons facebook is ruining your life

Find yourself scrolling through your wall at 2 am? Check your facebook profile every 20 minutes? Need one reason to establish the fact that it is ruining your life? We give you 10. It’s an old saying that “Guns do not kill men, other men do.” In that aspect, facebook is a dual edged sword having its own good and bad. But when it get’s in the way of your priorities, it is essential to realize the long and short term impacts it can have.

10. Consuming your time 


If you find yourself checking your facebook profile every half an hour to see the number of likes your new picture got or to check when was the last time your crush was online, facebook is certainly ruining your life. Time is a precious resource and shouldn’t be wasted on futile pursuits like facebook. There are many other important things can be done with that saved time.

9. Not a social network, but a personal diary

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What do you usually do when you’ve had a bad day?  If you write a facebook status, then you certainly need to curtail the number of hours you spend on facebook. Every emotion that you feel, everything that you do, shouldn’t be revealed to the world.  There is no reason why one should bare his or her heart on a social networking site. Indirectly or directly, facebook is ruining your work life.

8. Makes it difficult to move on


Let’s admit it, we all have friends on facebook who are no longer our friends in real life. But we do get hit by a wave of nostalgia when we go through their profiles or see a new photo they have uploaded which is visible in our news feed. We all need to move on in life and et over people with whom we no longer want to be in touch with. Facebook makes that quite a task.

7. Application addicts


Do you feel uneasy when you have exhausted all your candy crush saga lives or your criminal case points? If yes, then welcome to the club of the Application addicts who not only waste their own time doing unproductive things but also bombard other people with requests. It cannot be gainsaid that facebook has diminished our productivity and efficacy. If you feel that your application and games have taken a toll on you, facebook is certainly ruining your life.

6. Leading cause of relationship trouble


The lawyers from the United states Of America have proclaimed that facebook is the leading cause for relationship trouble and marriages falling apart. Two third of the lawyers have added that in divorce proceedings, facebook at times acts as an important source of evidence. So facebook can not only ruin your social life and take away your time but can also make your relationship fall apart. You choose.

5. Leaves you unsatisfied


Studies have shown that facebook can embed a deep sense of dissatisfaction in you. Seeing pictures of your friends going out and having fun can render you unsatisfied with the things that you have.  Facebook forces you to believe that your life isn’t as exciting and happening as your friends and is also a leading cause of inferiority complex among teenagers, the psychologists say.

4. Real relations suffer

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We have all dealt, met, seen and talked to people who seem shy and introvert on outside but on facebook they are completely different personalities. There is no denying this fact. People use facebook as a shield or a defense mechanism to express things they are afraid to say in person. And as a result of this, their real relationships and confidence suffers. So if you are one of those people it’s time to get off facebook and do some real talking, as facebook is ruining your self confidence and can have adverse effects on your communication and social skills in the future.

3. Facebook wars and virtual podium


Ever experienced the feeling that your newsfeed has become a virtual podium where people of all shapes and sizes are busy giving their opinion on some issue or other? Ever experienced your status update become a battle ground? It is only because of the people who take ‘Freedom of speech’ a little too seriously. If you ever find yourself caught between the clash of egos and a cyber war, take a step back before facebook ruins your friendships and social image.

 2.Look whose ‘stalking’!


Met someone last night and they know everything about you the next day? No prizes for guessing that it is facebook that has given away vital information about you. Facebook has all kinds of people and not necessarily all good ones. Your profile picture can become someone else s tomorrow and your personal life, relationship status, college etc. everything is on display to the world. Sounds scary right? But it is actually true. one can become a victim to stalkers and this HAS happened before. Watch out.

1. Virtual contact, present. Actual contact, absent.


When was the last time you met someone with whom you had an amazing chat last night? Can’t remember? Welcome to the club.  Facebook has limited the face to face interactions that people had pre the facebook era begin. Albeit keeping in touch has become facile, we are deprived of the pleasure of a face to face interaction and a heart to heart conversations we once had as we are now contended with keeping a tab on people through facebook.




