Its a highly common known fact that Divorce rates all over the world are pretty high. And even more common are the reasons behind them.From ego clashes to domestic violence, most of the marriages fall apart due to very basic reasons which are completely avoidable. Here are the top 10 reason for Divorces:

10. Marrying too young


Often, young people decide to get married on a whim or perhaps due to the effects of a whirlwind relationship. Forty-six percent of exes surveyed said that age was a factor in the dissolution of their marriage. People who haven’t been yet properly responsible for themselves cannot be expected to learn to be responsible for other and hence the problems begin. Marriage is the beginning of a new era in a person’s life and the decision regarding whom one wants to begin it with should be a carefully taken. Such decisions have to be carefully evaluated by a matured and experienced mind.

9.  Religious and Cultural Differences


Often, people from different cultural or religious backgrounds get married believing they can set aside such differences. However, it is much more difficult to step past their upbringing and making decisions regarding their future becomes a bone of contention.A main source of upheaval is about the decision regarding what culture/religion would the children follow.Often, differences based on religion can lead to hotility.Different religions may or may not have strict rules regarding the food, clothes and most importantly places of worship. If the couple is not able to settle such differences without hostility then the marriage stands no chance.

8.  Substance Abuse


Substance abuse can lead to a very painful break in a relationship. A previously happy and prospering marriage can have a downfall if either spouse gets addicted to alcohol or drugs however strong the foundation of the marriage. Substance abuse is the monster in the closet. It is the thing for which spouses and children make excuses to keep the monster hidden. What is often the most difficult aspect of divorce for the spouse of an alcoholic is opening the door to the closet and letting the monster come out. This thing that the spouse has hidden so well will now have to be proven in court to protect the children. A spouse’s alcoholism may not be an issue if minor children are not part of a divorce. However, it is a significant issue when minor children are involved.

7.  Fertility Problems

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A new study shows that childless couples have an increased risk of leaving each other up to 12 years after they first contacted a doctor to be evaluated for fertility problems. The lack of children is a great threat to a relationship. The inability to have kids is a major stress factor that the couple is unable to control and do anything about, at least when the fertility treatment is unsuccessful. After a certain period of time, kids are the glue that hold a marriage together. Both the spouse’s mutual love for the children invariably helps in maintaining their mutual attraction as well. However, lack of children starts an unending series of the Blame Game and the relationship starts to fall apart.

6.  Inflexibility


Marriage is the beginning of a new era in one’s life. When people go into this relationship expecting nothing to change, trouble stirs. There should be compromise in a marriage. Both the people have to put in equal effort to make the marriage work. Expecting that your other half will do all the adjusting while your life remains unchanged is both unfair and damaging to the relationship. It will lead to ego clashes and determination to not see the other person’s point of view.

5.  Lack of Communication


A survey found that men and women have different communication complaints. Seventy percent of the experts surveyed said that men cite nagging and complaining as the top communication problem in their marriage. Women’s top complaint was that their spouse doesn’t validate their opinions or feelings enough, according to 83 percent of experts. Most of the times, improper communication stems due to clash of egos and hence either of the people do not convey what is originally on their mind.

4.  Lack of Trust


Our marriage system is based on distrust — you can see that in the many procedures, witnesses required, registrars, vows to be taken, as demanded by the system. However, often in a marriage when one of the spouse is being found out lying, the marriage falls prey to lack of trust. Even a simple lie can break the trust the couple possess and one of the spouses will always be suspicious of the other.Distrust also leads to losing respect for your partner or the other way around.

3.  Abuse


The perpetration of domestic abuse effectively pushes away the other spouse and divides the marriage. The fact that many victims eventually leave abusive partners testifies to this pushing away. Perpetrators usually protest that they want the marriage to continue, but their evil conduct conveys the exact opposite – it effectually pushes the opposite spouse away.Domestic violence is a morbid offense and a violationof human rights.It is a sure way to kill a marriage and the victim is left emotionally damaged .

2.  Financial Issues


Differences in money management styles between two partners can ruin a marriage. If one has problems managing their money, both the partners probably argue frequently about money. Added to this, a struggling economy only makes things worse. If it is clear that money management is a true problem, one must confront the issue head on immediately.

1.  Infidelity

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Infidelity leads to divorce and is probably the single most damaging thing that can happen to a marriage. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most common problems a married couple will face. Statistics vary on this subject, but it’s widely reported that 60% of men and 40% of women will participate in an extramarital affair at some point during their married life.The fact that a partner is cheating is a sign that he/she has no interest left in the marriage.