Top 10 Greatest Scientists Born on Earth

Top 10 Greatest Scientists Born on Earth

The inventions on our planet have been remarkable. Right from creating rockets and telephones to making and discovering new drugs and medicines to heal people, there are a lot of people whom we can never forget for their immense contribution in the field of science and technology. These scientists have given the world a new dimension and made us believe that yes, anything and everything is possible to create a change in the world around us. They created a change with their ideas and innovation and made a mark for themselves in our lives. Telephones, mobiles, medicines, everything what we use in our daily life makes it impossible for us to forget some scientists for their truly genius mind and determination, and some scientists simply just stand out. Here is a list of the top 10 greatest scientists who have proved themselves in the field of science and innovations the world had never seen.

10. James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)

james maxwell

Born in Edinburgh, James Maxwell is rightly known as the father of modern physics today. One of the greatest scientists in the history of physics, he was the one who discovered the theory of electromagnetism, kinetics and quantum physics, which are extremely important branches for all physics students over the globe.

9. Otto Hahn (1879-1968)

otto hahn

Otto Hahn was born in Frankfurt, Germany and is commended even today for his theories on nuclei and his discovery on nuclear fission. His great contribution to radiochemistry and radioactivity made him one of the most applauded and deserving winner of the Nobel Prize in 1945.

8. Aristotle (384 BC – 324 BC)


Aristotle is most popularly remembered as the tutor of Alexander the Great, he can nev er be forgotten for his impeccable theories and discoveries in a varied list of fields such as zoology, biology, logic and science. He was the one behind the classification of plants and animals which we study today in the subject of Biology. His interest and theories related to zoology also made him one of the most sought after scientists who took the world by a storm with his genius brain and rhetoric knowledge.

7. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

nikola tesla

Nikola Tesla, whom a very few people know about is actually a genius who had invented a lot of things before other scientists actually invented those things and brought out in the open for the world to admire. Tesla was known to speak 8 different languages and because of his sharp mind, he would invent and create anything and everything by just looking at it. Neon lighting, motor machines, ac current are some of the best known inventions of Nikola Tesla.

6. Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882)

charles darwin

Charles Darwin was a British scientist who brought about the idea and theory of evolution. The fact and process of how we actually evolve ourselves had been properly theorized and tracked by Charles Darwin, and took interest in human and animal species and the relativity between them. The fact that we evolve from animals had actually been framed by Darwin.

5. Marie Curie (1867-1934)

marie curie

Marie Curie is one female scientist the world could bow down to. She is popularly remembered to have invented the X-ray machine, which was used to check the soldiers during battles and war time. Her invention of radioactive materials and her discovery on radium makes her known as the ‘mother of atom bomb’. She died due to one of her very own experiments on radiation.

4. Galileo (1564-1642)


The master behind the invention of telescope, this Italian scientist is best remembered for his contribution in the field of physics and astronomy. His interest in planets made him bring to light a lot of facts related to the galaxy and universe and also related to the other planets. He was also commended on the discovery on moons surrounding the planet Jupiter and also got the world to know that the surface of the moon was not smooth but contained craters all over it.

3. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

albert einstein

Einstein left a mark on this world by his theory of relativity and his very famous physics equation which established the relativity theory, E=MC square. His theory is today used widely right for a lot of experimental purposes to being used to make and create bombs. Known as ‘The man of the century’, his intellect made the world see immense scientific advancement.

2. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

louis pasteur

Known as the life saver of many, his contributions have greatly been the pasteurization of milk (named after him) to make the milk completely germ free. He invented a cure for rabies, the deadliest disease which had existed long before he came up with a solution and remedy for it. He is also known to have discovered cures for various infectious diseases, and thus saved the lives of many during his time and even today.

1. Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1726)

sir isaac newton

Born in England, he is known to have formulated and theorized the concept of gravitation. He also explained the laws of gravitation and invented calculus through which he explained a lot of his scientific experiments and theories. Contributed immensely in both science and mathematics, he also explained the strange gravitational pull on tides created due to the sun, moon and earth.