life deals us blows and sometimes we fall down. During such circumstances we need comfort to get back up. Family and friends will support you , but sometimes we just need to lie back a little and let things be. Sometimes we need to feel a little heaven to get motivated. And nothing will transport us to heaven faster than food. Food is our personal little heaven without the pain of dying. So sometimes, when you are down on the ground, indulge yourself  a little, experience a little bit of heaven so you can get backup.

10. Coffee


You cannot start your day without a dose of this nectar. Starting the day with a proper cup of coffee is customary for most ofus as we look for the stimulatory effects of caffeine to get our brain and our body moving. It’s not unusual to find people grumpy and irritated until they have had their morning coffee and start to gain some sort of semblance to a human being. For best effects, add in sugar, cream and vanilla ice cream. Its really simple and tastes like heaven.

9.   Donuts


There are no words to describe donuts except these taste like little bits of heaven. Every bite will transfer you to another world where all of your troubles will go away and the only thing left will be the creamy and tasty donut in your hands. A donut alone is tolerable, however add the chocolate sauce to it and none of your woes will stand a chance against it. Yes, it’s that good.

8.   Bagels


This your own little heaven full of sweetness. Everyone loves the sugary taste of bagel.Some prefer it with savory ingredients like onion, ham or eggs while others prefer to put in a little bit of creamy frosting on it. Depends from person to person, but what everyone has in common is that they all love it. If you don’t there is something seriously wrong with your taste buds because really, who wouldn’t love that crispy sugary sweetness with some (chocolate?) frosting.  whatever emotional roller coaster you are going through is guaranteed to be forgotten as soon as you take your first bite.

7.   Chocolates

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Life’s guilty pleasure-Chocolates. Loved by kids and adults alike. And so many varieties to choose from. Chocolate is actually scientifically proven to be a comfort food. Chocolates release endorphins upon consumption, which make people feel a tiny little happier than they previously were and also they feel more relaxed. Dark chocolate is said to be the best in terms of endorphins. so, eat as much chocolate you can, because now you have scientifically proven reason.

6.   Extra Large Cheese Burger with fries


Is there any doubt regarding why you should NOT have a cheese burger with lots of fries when you are upset? After all, you deserve it after the challenges you deal with in life. Do not let anyone make you feel guilty about seeking this pleasure. So go to he nearest Burger Joint, ask for you favorite burger with a layer of cheese and fries. In fact, ask for some extra fries ecause when you take a dressing down from life, you totally deserve it.

5.   Ice-cream


Ice-cream is notorious for being the food everyone takes out when they are at a low moment of their lives. It’s the best food to eat when you feel like crying. Although, you don’t have to be crying to have the sweet and creamy confection. Ice cream is generally associated with our childhood memories when we considered it a treasure. The same childhood memories shape our mood when we are eating the ice cream making us feel better. So the next time you are upset, take out that jar of your favorite creamy confection, weaponize yourself with a spoon, put on your favorite SitCom and start scooping mouthfuls.

4.   Spaghetti


This classic Italian dish is very easy to make and is extremely delicious. You can have spaghetti in the marinara sauce or better yet the white cheesy sauce. Mostly, people tend to eat the spaghetti with red sauce. However, when feeling low everyone turns to cheese and hence the creamy spaghetti. It is a dish made in heaven and when you are hurt and sad, go get your jammies, soak some spaghetti in the white sauce and get going because you totally deserve it.

3.   Mac and Cheese

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Mac and cheese is the go to food for when you are upset. It is ridiculously easy to make, is extremely creamy and delicious and most importantly, has CHEESE- the best ingredient ever. Seriously, more the cheese, the better you’ll feel. As a matter of fact, the most satisfied moments in your memory will be shared with a Mac and Cheese in  your lap . Seriously, all you have to do it, get some milk, put in some butter and lots and lots of cheese and put in the boiled pasta and BAM! you are ready to go.

2.   Hot dogs


Hot dogs- the undebatable American food which absolutely nobody can resist. Although, everyone may differ on the matter of which sauce to use and what veggies to use, everyone loves it. All your anger and sadness will start moving away with every single bite of the hot dog. The most basic loved version of hot dog is the grilled one, with mustard, onions and lots of ketchup. But everyone is entitles to their own opinion so season it however you like and find your pleasure in the first bite.

1.   Pizza (with loads of extra cheese)


This one is my personal little heaven. No matter why you are upset, taking a bite of this cheesy baby will make you forget anything and everything. There are different types of toppings of course but the important thing to remember in a pizza is to ask for loads and loads of extra cheese. Especially the liquid cheese inside the crust. Moreover, put on a lot of oregano seasoning and then put your feet up and enjoy the delicious pizza.