10 Ways how Teachers can make Education Fun for Students

10 Ways how Teachers can make Education Fun for Students

The entire process of teaching was never considered easy, be it for kindergarten or tenth grade students. Motivating them to learn is even more difficult. The thing about students is that they are exposed to so many different people acting as “teachers” in their lives. Everyone and everything is trying extremely hard to stimulate these students, make them think, make them work, and make them into people the world can be proud of. Because of this, students struggle to find their own identity and eventually fail to gain interest in learning new things. But if a teacher knows some tactics how to make it fun, then the whole of this becomes easier without feeling hard-pressed. Let us look at some of the approaches a teacher can take to make learning more fun, exciting, and necessary for students.

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10. Excursions or picnics

As the saying goes that one grasps better by watching than by writing and reciting. Teachers can arrange for picnic or excursions to some spots of historical value or of natural importance. It will be fun for students to connect with their subject. It will bring a change in their daily routine of attending classes and refresh their mind.


9. Have a good sense of humor

Having a good sense of humor can help teachers to engage students and make the subject livelier. The fact of the matter is, if they’re serious 100% of the time, it’ll be much harder for students to care and to really connect with them. Although they don’t need to be laughter show participants, if they create a more fun environment for students, they will likely be more motivated and eager to learn.

 8. Illustrate through real examples

If somehow teachers can relate the subject to the reality, illustrate how exactly the concerned topic affects them would be a great idea to not only create fun but also motivate students. These examples will certainly have lasting impact on their process of learning.

7. Rewards for participation

Who doesn’t likes to get rewards for the efforts they put in? Rewards like chocolates, pens, stickers or some other stationary items can be offered to students to attract them towards learning and increase their participation.


6. Encourage lively discussion

Students are likely to zone out in a classroom which is just made of boring lectures. A teacher should encourage an environment where there is free flow of ideas. Student should not find it difficult to discuss certain topic, raise questions, and present their opinion.  Not only will this make students more likely to read up on the material and be prepared for class, but it will also make them more excited to come to class, because they will feel that their opinions matter.

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5. Engage students in healthy competitions

Once such an environment is created, teachers can engage students in healthy competition. They can organize some quizzes, debates, spelling contests etc. Students will individually strive for winning the competition but simultaneously help others to improve. There will be a sense of going a step forward with a sense of togetherness.

4. More of group activities

It would not be wrong to say that activities are more of a fun than doing so-called writing or learning assignment. A teacher should focus more on assigning some group work which let them think out of box. This will inculcate team spirit, qualities of cooperation and enhance their thinking abilities.

teaching is having fun learning

3. Seek students feedback

This is the certainly the most important aspect which goes neglected. Well! Everyone enjoys having their opinion sought and students are no exceptions. Knowing that their opinions actually counts, that their input is taken seriously, engages students. So when teachers try something new, ask for the feedback; how it went, either verbally or anonymously in writing. Ensuring that students know they can ask questions without threat of a disapproving response makes it much easier to actually elicit the valuable feedback.

 2. Web-based apps

With the internet gaining popularity among student of all age, web based applications is right out there to help you with just a click. Undoubtedly these apps gets more attention than a mere book. Thus student can learn from these materials more quickly than they would from reciting steps from a book.  For example ‘Ipicc’ has intuitive editing control panels that allow for the simple things like filters, effects and cropping There is ‘Infogr.am’ which is another tool to visually represent information. These with hundreds of more apps can be simply utilized to help in assignments and projects.

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1. Games and Videos

We’re no longer thinking of games as something only kids do – we’re in our third generation of people who have grown up with these games. These are really effective source for increasing the engagement level of lots of students. The content is the same; it’s a different vehicle to get them to the same place, and they get there with a deeper understanding.