Latest change in people with the changing lifestyles is the strangest diets they practice in order to lose weight. Women in particular have been trying just anything in order to lose weight. In the race of looking young, slim and fit just like to compare with their lifestyles and body with celebrity and actors, people have started following all crazy and strangest diets of all time. A proper diet is good but it should be balanced with the calorie intake and energy output. But eating less and exercising more is never going to be help in a positive way but only will affect immunity. Below is the list of strangest diets practiced in today’s lifestyles.

10. Baby food diet:

baby food diet
Baby food diet is recently been celebrity’s favorite diet. The diet created by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson suggests that the baby food is free of addictives, fillers and preservatives. Baby food contains lots of organic ingredients and thus a favorite amongst celebrities. Though the food is so bland and simple in taste but there people who follow this diet just to lose weight, now only time can tell if such strange diet really works.

9. The master cleanser diet:

master cleanser diet
The master cleanser diet is also known as lemonade diet. This diet was originated by Stanley Burroughs and became very popular. This diet is solely based upon liquid diet of water, lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper etc. people who practice such diet drink a glass of lemonade for about six to twelve times a day along with the green tea or herbal laxative tea once or twice a day. It is said that such type of diet detoxifies the body and helps in reducing weight. Though doctors do not suggests of practicing this diet for a long time as it damages the immunity and thus such diet is listed in one of the strangest diet.

8. The cotton ball diet:

cotton ball diet
The cotton ball diet is one of the weirdest diets one can hear of. It literally means eating cotton balls. People following such diet eats cotton balls dry or soak them in gelatin and then consume. Cotton balls are low in calories but they are very filling and contains maximum amount of fiber. Though the fiber it contains is not necessary for your body at all and thus cotton ball diet is listed as the strangest diet and not to forget the consequences of eating cotton balls which are extremely boring, dry and one of the disgusting meals.

7. Japanese morning banana diet:

japanese banana diet
Japanese banana diet is one of the popular trends of diet in Japan. Banana diet is one of the stress free diets, which includes eating raw bananas along with the room temperature water for breakfast. Such diet will boost metabolism and allows the dieter to eat anything as per their wish for lunch and dinner and will still lose weight. The boring part of such diet is to eat same kind of food every morning and it also not healthy because one cannot generate the necessary nutrition.

6. Egg diet:

egg diet
Recently the egg diet has become very popular for losing weight by gaining maximum proteins. Most of the celebrities have started following such diet. It is said that one can reduce around 30 pounds of weight in five weeks by having eight to nine eggs in a day. Though there are various variations in the egg diet, the main idea of the diet is to gain maximum proteins from egg and not only to have eggs.

5. Breatharianism Diet:

breatharianism diet
Breatharianism diet means eating sunlight in literary terms. It is based upon a principle which states that food and water are not important to live life and a human body can survive very well with air, sunlight and life force. Breatharian diet is one of the spiritual concepts in India which is known as fasting. Though such type of diet can only lead to early death and thus is one of the strange diets ever.

4. The vision diet:

vision diet
The vision diet is one of the craziest and strangest diets ever. It is said that by wearing blue color glasses, the hunger is suppressed and it keeps the body relaxed on daily basis. So if one wants to eat less, one should wear blue glasses everywhere and they would not feel like eating. This is one of the strangest bizarre in the list of diets. Only God knows if wearing blue glasses would really help.

3. The sleeping beauty diet:

sleeping beauty diet
One can’t eat while sleeping, and thus this diet was followed by Elvis to lose weight. This was one of the weirdest ways to lose weight.

2. Cabbage soup diet:

cabbage soup diet
Cabbage soup and other vegetable soup diets also have gained popularity worldwide. The cabbage soup diet is one of the radical weight loss diet specially designed to consume in heavy amounts for more than seven days, and this low calorie soup will work on the body. Though doctors don’t recommend such diet as it causes water loss more than fat loss and thus it is considered as the strange diet practice.

1. All celery diet:

celery diet
Celery is considered as zero calorie food, and thus a weird diet plan consisting of eating only celeries have emerged. Thus this is a strange diet in which other nutrients from other foods are ignored.
There are many such weird and strangest diets practiced worldwide, the list mentions few of those popular strangest diet plans.