10 Precautions every pregnant woman should take

10 Precautions every pregnant woman should take

The nine months are probably the most selflessly spent months in a mother’s life. She makes infinite sacrifices and that is how the connection between the mother and the child deepens. On the baby’s journey from conception to birth, it is the mother who not only nurtures it but also sets the foundation of the child’s emotional development. In a way, the mother links the baby to the outside world. But the world outside is not so generous and hence it is the mother who has to take certain steps for the baby to develop normally. Here is a quick list of precautions all moms-to-be must take.

10. Bottoms down, cigarettes dump


For those of you who had a doubt here’s the verdict- Yes, alcohol is extremely harmful to the developing fetus. Unlike the mother, the fetus is not able to eliminate the alcohol consumed by the expectant mother. This is detrimental to the nervous system of the baby.

The cigarette may pass to the baby carbon dioxide and nicotine. This could cause prematurity, respiratory problems in the baby or even stillbirth.


9. Do not double up the fuel intake just because you have got a baby onboard!


A pregnant woman does not need to ‘Eat for two’. But, do make sure that you get your daily supply of 8 glasses of water as fluids will help you fight dehydration.

Drink more fluids early in the day and less in the evening. This would keep you from the bathroom during night and help you take a sound sleep. Control your desire to tickle your taste buds and distance yourself from spicy and canned food. Avoid raw/under-cooked meat, soft cheese, seafood and raw eggs. They could be possible sources of harmful bacteria and parasite.


8. You’re in for a V.I.P. treatment when travelling


Pregnancy can increase the risk of motion sickness. Do not travel long distances as it will be difficult to find clean toilets on the way. Venturing on those bumpy roads is a strict no! Ask your husband or a relative to drop and pick you (that’s what we mean by V.I.P. treatment) if you really need to travel to some place. Try not to travel alone. Carry a water bottle everywhere you go.

Commuting during pregnancy can increase your stress level. Also, keep away from traffic in order to prevent those harmful polluting gases from getting into your system.


7. Stay away from Fluffy


If you own a cat, you’d better not let it get close to you or even your kitchen. Cat feces can contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis.   This infection can damage the baby and can also lead to stillbirth. If you love your cat and cannot part with it, try to engage someone else in poop-picking. Also make it a point to wear gloves while gardening. Wash your hands regularly and maintain a good personal hygiene.


6. Hot baths and bubble baths- Strict no-no


Exposure to a temperature as extreme as 98 degree would pose a danger to the fetus.

You can however have bath with warm water, which has a temperature lower than your body temperature. Make sure the warm bath does not make you sweat.

Bubble bath, bath salts or bath oils can alter the acidic balance of the vagina and make you more likely to develop thrush. This condition can make you uneasy and if left untreated, can pass on to the baby as well.

Happy soaking!!


5. Oral sex-Be careful!


Many couples refrain from having sex during the 9 months fearing a miscarriage. But the meds say that it is completely safe to have sex if the pregnancy is absolutely normal. The developing baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in the uterus, and also the strong muscles of the uterus. Sexual activity will not affect the baby.

But the precaution to be taken here is concerned with oral sex as most couples may erroneously consider oral sex a safer alternative against normal sex. During oral sex the male partner should not blow air in the vagina because that can cause air embolism, which is potentially fatal for both mother and child.


4. Sleep well


You should change your sleeping habits on the very day you come to know of your pregnancy. Many women think it’s the best to sleep flat with the support of their back. This sleeping position is not safe as in the second trimester it could cause the growing uterus to compress a large vein called the vena cava, in turn leading to low blood pressure, dizziness and nausea.

During the third trimester, sleeping on the left side is considered the best as it is believed to enhance the blood flow to the fetus and to your uterus and kidneys. Lying flat on the back for a long period of time should be avoided. If you are not getting sufficient sleep at night, take a powernap during the day.


3. Have a spoonful of sugar but not to help the medicine go down


Prenatal vitamins are essential but take only the ones prescribed by your gynecologist. For example, there are many foods rich in Vitamin A. Therefore, it is quite unlikely that you lack it. Excess of anything can be toxic to the baby and can even cause miscarriage.

Some expectant mothers may switch to herbal alternatives. But ‘herbal’ is not equal to ‘safe’, as some herbal medications have been found to contain heavy metals.  You may instead opt for veggies that serve as the direct sources of those essential vitamins.

Unlike prescription drugs, natural herbs are not scrutinized well. So, the quality of herbal medication has not been standardized.

Over the Counter medication (drugs that can be bought without a prescription) should be avoided, unless specifically approved by your doctor. Don’t take any medication unless necessary. Medicines can cross the placenta and enter the bloodstream of your baby. Check the safety of any medication you take – especially in the first trimester.


2. Feel beautiful with home remedies


Most pregnant women would like to take a day off from daily chores and go for beauty treatments. But wait, most of the cosmetics contain harmful chemicals. These ‘chemicals’ do not really catch our attention unless we’re pregnant. But does that stop you from feeling beautiful?  A big NO.

You can always go for home-made face packs and try out other home remedies, which you never really had time for before. But now, it’s time you tried them.

When dying your hair yourself, you can keep it safer for the baby by applying the color only on the hair strands and not on the scalp.


1. Do not panic. Keep Calm and enjoy your pregnancy


Pregnancy is the most beautiful period of any woman’s life. Enjoy your pregnancy by reading books and meditating. Yoga will also help you learn some breathing techniques, which will prove to be very useful for you when the baby’s coming out. Talk to your partner about how you fear the baby will affect your relationship. Spend as much time as you can spend together.
